Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Strap Toothed (aka Strap Tooth or 'Strap' for short, aka The Aggressive Occupier, aka The Buddhist Separatist, aka The Tooth)

Male / Buddhist / 5.7 meters (18.7 feet or 3.4 Vladimir Putins) / 1.15 tons (or 60 sacks of IAMS large breed dog food.. the big size) / population unknown

Strap-toothed whale the species:

Considering the facts that a narwhal has a tooth that grows through its head, that a baleen whale boasts filtering teeth, or that a Cuvier's beaked whale sports only a pair of bottom teeth that protrude out from their face, I shouldn't be surprised that a strap-toothed whale has a pair of bottom teeth that grow up and over the top of its bottlenose, but they do.  The teeth are found only on males within the species and are grown in such a way that it actually prevents males from opening their jaw as far as females of the same species can.  Males literally have to eat smaller bites and it stunts their growth as females are bigger, longer and if I had to take a guess.. probably stronger too. It appears that the strap-toothed males are quite territorial as they're usually found alone and scarring from the teeth of other strap-toothed whales is almost always present. The species is predominantly found south of the equator in places sharing latitudes with the south side of Australia.  They're mainly found in pelagic (deep ocean) zones.  

Strap Tooth the character:

I'd have to guess that if I couldn't open my mouth because my teeth kept it shut, I'd be a bit ornery as well.  Strap is grumpy, he just wants his home waters and he'll  do whatever he can to keep them.  He's not necessarily happy at home, but he's willing to fight for his property.  Oddly enough, Strap Tooth is a Buddhist underneath that rough exterior.  He's a loner and doesn't think he needs anyone's help or company.  A lot will have to change for this cetacean if he's to join The Pod.  

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