Friday, March 10, 2017

Lady Minke

Lady Minke (aka Mink, aka The Trendy Cheerleader, aka The Supportive Saltwater Sheep)

Female / a natural follower / 8 meters (26.2 ft or 4.6 Paula Radcliffes) / a lady never shares her weight thank you / healthy population

Minke whale the species:

The minke whale is one of the smallest baleen whales and thus it wasn't hunted at the same rate as its smaller cousins at the height of whaling.  During the twilight years of whaling, hunting rates of the minke increase, but only because the other large whales had been over hunted in the years prior.     The name minke is pronounced with two syllables and the pronunciation rhymes with pinkie. Sightings of minke whales is rare in the tropical waters, but very common everywhere else.  They tend to reproduce every 2 years and this keeps the population thriving minus human interaction (boat collisions, whaling in the name of science, and nets).  They almost exclusively eat krill.  They are regularly preyed on by orcas in both hemispheres.  They can move pretty quickly and though they don't breach often, they can be quite spectacular when they do.

Minke the character:  

Minke is always happy to cheer on the others and rarely takes the spotlight herself.  She's a bit of a follower and Narwhal believes there's more to her if she'll look inside herself.  She's trying to find out why there's nothing wrong with being the black sheep.    

"Lady Minke Pirouettes"

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