Saturday, March 11, 2017

Bottlenose Whale

Bottlenose (aka Dr. Bottlenose, aka The Atheist Data Accumulator)

Male / scientist / 9.7 meters (31.8 feet or 5.7 upright Stephen Hawkings) / 8 tons (or 4.5 Buick LeSabres) / population unknown

Bottlenose whale the species:

Most of us know exactly what a bottlenose dolphin is, but there's also a whale version.  The northern bottlenose looks really similar to its dolphin cousin, but it's bigger, much bigger, as in 25 times larger than the dolphin version.  The bottlenose whale is one of the deepest diving mammals on Earth and is highly curious about boats.  Curiosity killed the cat and curiosity is also the reason that this whale was hunted so extensively during the height of whaling.  The sperm whale had a substance in their head that made the best wax for candles.  They were difficult to get into the boat because of their extreme size, but the northern bottlenose whales had very similar wax in their noggin and they weighed half as much.  They're very playful whales, naturally curious, and they often get close to boats.  This made them easy victims for whaling vessels when whaling was legal.

Bottlenose the character:

In the book, Bottlenose dives deep into scientific topics and his curiosity drives him to find answers. He does not believe in God or religions because he believes that only science has value worthy of worship. He struggles with the ability to see any spirituality that can be found within science. He helps The Pod see what is and does not focus on the unseen.  

"Bottlenose Diving Deep For Answers"

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