Monday, July 3, 2017

The Fourth of July

It's the 4th of July, early in the morning. People are shooting off fireworks within the city limits and that's illegal. I can't help but think that they're doing the right thing though. The 4th of July is a celebration of rebelling. It's a celebration of telling the law that it's unjust, that freedom will be practiced no matter what.

Booms are followed by sparkles. It's a beacon to all, a beacon that says this is okay to tell the establishment that they're wrong about their rules. Surely the folks that set off these works are doing the work of our American ancestors. They're making noise, they're doing what they feel they have the God given right to do. What's more American than that? They're saying, "yes I can".

To all those that are stopped, know that someone will pick up your cause and fire off a round of their own because we can. We've gained freedom over and over in this country and that freedom has spread worldwide, so fire off what you have and tell the world around you, "I'm free.. and so are you."

But there's never a need to take the freedom or safety of your neighbor and make those inalienable rights your platform, so put out the fires you find. Let them have peace, let them have safety, let them be. Find the balance when you fire off another round because the balance is what makes this day work. Be the beacon of freedom today because today is yours.

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