Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Pseudorca "The False Killer Whale"

Pseudorca (aka The False Killer, aka The Thunnus Throttler)

Male / skilled pack hunter / 6.1 meters long (20 ft or 2.7 Yao Mings) / 2.45 tons (1.1 chevy silverados) / insufficient population data

Pseudorca the species:

When the pseudorca was discovered, the scientist who discovered them believed they were an extinct species.  A few years later, a pod of living false killers were located and they're still found sporadically today.  The similar bone structure of the false killer to the killer whale led to a similar species name. Typically they're located in tropical climates but they will roam beyond their more common living spaces. They tend to be pack hunters and typically eat fish, but are also known to hunt fellow mammals.  When they do catch a fish, it's not uncommon for them to share their fish with one another, but the most fascinating is that they've been documented several times offering their catch to humans. It's happened on a boat at least once and divers/snorkelers have been offered fare as well. They sound quite hospitable to me.

The pseudorca is a species of whale that will occasionally beach themselves and when one beaches themselves, they all tend to do it.  In 1986, 114 false killer whales beached themselves in Flinders Bay, Western Australia.  A three day operation conducted by the Department of Conservation and Land Management and wonderful volunteers ensured that some of them would continue to swim freely in the ocean.  They were able to save 96 out of the 114.  Similar stories have occurred since that moment in 1986 and it seems to be making a human/false killer relationship a positive one for both species.

Pseudorca the character:

Pseudorca is named by the first half of his scientific species name, pseudorca crassidens. He knows that other whales might fear him because he's a type of killer, but he believes his pack hunting skills could be useful to whales going on a dangerous journey around the world.  Pseudorca doesn't have the same fear of humans that some of the others have, he trusts most of them.

"Pseudorca makes battle plans"

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