Thursday, February 9, 2017

Hello World

Hello world and how are you?

If we've met, hello again.  If we've never met, I'm Andy.  I'm your brother sitting across the screen from your eyes right now.  Quite literally.  I'm staring at the screen on my side creating and editing and you're just on the other side of the screen taking in whatever you please.  I'm going to tell you about my book about whales called, The Pod, and I hope you'll decide you want to read it.

If I had to tell you what The Pod is about in one sentence, this is what I would say:  "It's a book about mystical creatures on an epic journey, circumnavigating a rhythmic yet hostile underwater world." I'll be honest with you, I'm not a fan of the word 'circumnavigating' but it's the right word because these whales are 20 different mystical species that come together for a purpose and that purpose will not be fulfilled by simply navigating the oceans, they have to solve problems along the way as well.

So, I'm not here to tell you what the diverse whales do in this book every step of the way on their journey, but I'd be happy to tell you all about who they are.  What motivates them, what they look like, and details that give them their character.  I hope you'll get a chance to read The Pod at some point, and this blog is here to just enrich the experience as you read about their adventure in this whale novel.

Here's the autographs of every one of the whales you'll meet:

And here is mine:


Your Brother Andy

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